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NA/94 A volume index for the output of the Dutch banking industry based on quantity indicators
The purpose of this study is to find a sufficiently reliable volume index for output and value added of banking. The output consists of two components: commissions and FISIM; the latter being the...
The Dutch experience in measuring health output and labour productivity
Labour productivity of health services has received a lot of attention in the Netherlands in recent years. Labour productivity requires the measurement of output and labour input. This paper...
Erratum Milieurekeningen 2005
Van deze publicatie is een erratum verschenen.
Aandeel duurzaam in Europa groeit langzaam
Energy Magazine nr. 8, december 2006
NA/85 Accounting for the use of financial capital as an input in production; with an application to multi-factor productivity change estimation
Keuning, Steven J. and Ted Reininga (1997).It is increasingly acknowledged that the financial structure of a firm is an important determinant of its economic activity. Therefore, the use of financial...
NA/80 What's in a NAMEA? Recent results of the NAMEA-approach to environmental accounting
Keuning, Steven J. and Mark de Haan (1996).The National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) shows environmental pressures in physical units that are consistent with the...
NA/73 Integrated estimates of productivity and terms-of-trade changes from a Social Accounting Matrix at constant prices
Keuning, Steven J.(1994).This paper demonstrates that measures of real income change for the total economy can best be derived from real income changes per sub-sector. For this purpose a Social...
NA/68 (part II) A Social Accounting Matrix for the Netherlands, concepts and results - Tables belonging to the Occasional paper A Social Accounting Matrix for the Netherlands, concepts and results
Timmerman, Jolanda G. and Peter J.M. van de Ven (1994).
NA/69 Analysing relative factor inputs of Dutch exports: An application of the 1991 Social Accounting Matrix for the Netherlands
Cörvers, Frank and Ted Reininga (1996).The paper analyses the human and physical capital content of Dutch trade and tests the validity of the controversial Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) theorem of...
NA/34 How to treat borrowing and leasing in the next SNA
Keuning, Steven J. (1990).The use of services related to borrowing money, leasing capital goods, and renting land should not be considered as intermediate inputs into specific production processes....
Alignment of Quarterly Sector Accounts to annual data
This paper presents a benchmarking process centred around an automatic benchmarking procedure.
Ontwerp en analyse van proeven in complexe kanssteekproeven
In dit proefschrift worden analyse methoden ontwikkeld voor veldexperimenten waarbij rekening wordt gehouden met de kanssteepproef waarmee eenheden uit een eindige populatie zijn getrokken en het...
Netherlands Official Statistics, Vol. 15, Winter 2000
The best of two worlds: total design method and new Kontiv design. An operational model to improve respondent co-operation. Volume measurement of education. Presenting quarterly growth rates....
Measuring well-being with an integrated system of economic and social accounts
The national accounts provide a systematic overview of the performance of a nation’s economy. An important indicator which can derived from this system is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Often, (volume...
CBS vernieuwt grootschalig de dataverzameling
CBS voert stap voor stap een nieuwe procesketen met bijbehorend IT-landschap in voor het verzamelen van gegevens.
Vragen en antwoorden coronacrisis
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CBS in dialoog met gebruikers van open data
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CBS-software Blaise wereldwijd al 30 jaar uniek
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Aanvullend statistisch onderzoek
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