
189 resultaten voor keyword:ICT
189 resultaten voor keyword:ICT

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Using response probabilities for assessing representativity

Nonresponse in surveys may effect representativity, and therefore lead to biased estimates. A first step in exploring a possible lack of representativity is to estimate response probabilities. This...


Semantic networks for automatic coding

In this paper a general methodology for automatic coding is suggested, which is supposed to be (fairly) general. Characteristic for the approach described in this paper is that each code (say for a...


The satisfaction with life scale examining construct validity

This report describes the validity testing of a multi-item scale of global life satisfaction, namely the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). This scale has been proposed as an alternative to...


ICT, kennis en economie 2012

ICT, kennis en economie 2012 beschrijft de Nederlandse kenniseconomie aan de hand van de pijlers ICT, innovatie en R&D. Het boek bevat een ruime hoeveelheid informatie over telecommunicatie, het...


The Export Scan

This paper by Daan Zult and Floris van Ruth describes a new type of analytical tool, developed for detecting early signals of changes in the development of exports. It is novel in several ways; it...


Choosing a language and tool for the Business and Information Architecture of Statistics Netherlands

This is a report for choosing a language and tool for the business and information architecture (BI-architecture) of Statistics Netherlands. This is a first step to improve the current way of...


Small Area Estimation Of Turnover Of The Structural Business Survey

Since design-based methods like the generalized regression estimator have large design variances in the case of small sample sizes, model-based techniques can be considered as an alternative. In this...


Optimal scheduling of contact attempts in mixed-mode surveys

Survey nonresponse occurs when members of a sample cannot or will not participate in the survey. It remains a problem despite the development of statistical methods that aim to reduce nonresponse. In...


On second-order inclusion probabilities and variances among large randomized PPS samples

This paper presents and discusses some new results on the second-order inclusion probabilities of a systematic probability proportional to size sample drawn from a randomly ordered list, also called...


ICT'ers steeds vaker zelfstandig

In de periode 2000-2010 is het aantal zelfstandig werkende specialisten op het gebied van de informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) toegenomen. Ook hebben ICT’ers steeds vaker een hbo-opleiding...


Critical materials in the Dutch economy

This explorative study addresses the impact of critical materials on the Dutch economy. It is based on 41 critical materials identified by a specialist EU working group, plus 3 critical materials...


Darnaus vystymosi rodikliai. Sustainable Development Indicators

Duurzaamheidsrapport van Litouwen (2010)


Measuring sustainable development

Sustainability Report of the UN, OECD and Eurostat (2009)


ICT, kennis en economie, 2011

ICT, kennis en economie is een voortzetting van de publicatiereeksen De digitale economie en Kennis en economie, zoals die tot voor kort jaarlijks door het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek werden...


Information technology, organization change and firm productivity: A panel study of complementarity effects and clustering patterns

Organizational change (OC) is an important complementarity factor in the process of creating business value from information technology (IT) investments.. This paper investigates complementarities...


EU Water Statistics Grant: Water abstraction and use at River basin level

Final report on Grant agreement no. 50303 2008 003 2008 352 In this discussion paper methods are presented to compile water abstraction and water use data at the level of River Basins in the...


Chain indices and path independence

Methods are considered to calculate a set of consistent price index numbers from an inconsistent set of chained index numbers. The inconsistencies are due to the existence of cycles in the price...


Werkgerelateerde cursus wordt vaak onder werktijd gevolgd

Begin 2008 waren er in Nederland ruim 6,6 miljoen werkzame personen in de leeftijd van 25 tot 65 jaar. Ruim een derde van deze personen nam in het voorafgaande jaar deel aan cursussen die gerelateerd...


Standard Processes

Statistical processes can be very complex, and it is not uncommon that they are designed and implemented as one big tangle of statistical activities. This paper is an initiative to structure and...


A cross-sectional approach to business cycle analysis

This paper by Floris van Ruth describes how the current stance of the business cycle can be derived from a mixed set containing a limited number of selected indicators. Using the Netherlands and the...


A multivariate Denton method for benchmarking large data sets

Benchmarking is the process to achieve mathematical consistency between low-frequency (e.g. annual) and high-frequency (e.g. quarterly) data. Statistics Netherlands is going to apply a new...


De digitale economie 2009

Nederlanders hebben steeds meer ICT-vaardigheden en gebruiken in toenemende mate mobiel internet. Verder verdringt de laptop de desktop uit de huishoudens en hebben scholen steeds meer pc’s met...


Living a happy, healthy and satisfying life

Deze paper over de relatie tussen leefstijl en welzijn is geschreven voor de OESO-conferentie '3rd OECD World Forum' dat werd gehouden van 27 tot en met 30 oktober 2009 in Busan, Zuid-Korea.


Checklist for the Quality evaluation of Administrative Data Sources

Statistics Netherlands is increasingly making use of administrative and other secondary data sources for the production of statistics. This approach makes Statistics Netherlands highly dependent on...
