
205 resultaten voor keyword:ICT
205 resultaten voor keyword:ICT

Pagina 5 van 9

ICT-vacatures moeilijk te vervullen

Bijna de helft van de bedrijven met ICT-vacatures had in 2011 moeite deze te vervullen. Ondanks de slechtere economische omstandigheden was er dus een tekort aan ICT-specialisten.


Measurement error calibration in mixed-mode sample surveys

Mixed-mode surveys are known to be susceptible to mode-dependent selection and measurement effects, collectively referred to as mode effects. The use of different data collection modes within the...


Hidden workers and the hidden worker potential in the Netherlands

From 2006 to 2010 Statistics Netherlands conducted surveys on the size and structure of the hidden labour market. Five to ten percent of the respondents admitted that they did not report all of their...


Zeven op de tien gebruiken internetbankieren

Ruim zeven op de tien Nederlanders van 12 jaar of ouder regelden in 2012 hun bankzaken via het internet. Dat zijn 10,2 miljoen personen.


Innovation at Statistics Netherlands

It is the challenge of statistical offices to use their knowledge and innovation power to the optimal extent in order to remain able to respond pro-actively and in a creative way to these...


Mobility and knowledge sharing

The paper describes how Statistics Netherlands has developed a Knowledge and Innovation programme. The Knowledge part of the Programme has three goals: (i) to preserve knowledge with regard to the...


Linking ICT related Innovation Adoption and Productivity; results from micro-aggregated versus firm-level data

E-business systems are increasingly considered as important examples of ICT related innovations embodied in software applications, the adoption of which is essential for capturing the fruits of...


Revisiting the Porter Hypothesis: an emperical analysis of green innovation for the Netherlands

Using a comprehensive unbalanced panel of firm-level data constructed from four surveys we test within a structural model what is known in the literature as the “weak” and the “strong” version of the...


Automatic editing with hard and soft edits

Soft edit rules, i.e. constraints which identify (combinations of)values that are suspicious but not necessarily incorrect, are an importantelement of many traditional, manual editing processes. It...


49 Factors that Influence the Quality of Secondary Data Sources

Data quality is important for statistical institutes, not only in relation to the data they produce, but also because they use more and more secondary data sources to produce statistics. Examples of...


Shifting paradigms in official statistics: from design-based to model-based to algorithmic inference

Inference in official statistics is traditionally motivated from a design-based perspective, with the model-based approach being gradually adopted in specific circumstances. We take this shifting...


Methodologisch handboek van de satellietrekening sport (Engelstalig)

Methodologisch handboek van de satellietrekening sport. Opdrachtgever: Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport


Standard for statistical processes 2012

The objective of this document is to describe a Standard for objects that are relevant for statistical processes and products. It is a Standard that can be applied to individual statistical processes.


Using response probabilities for assessing representativity

Nonresponse in surveys may effect representativity, and therefore lead to biased estimates. A first step in exploring a possible lack of representativity is to estimate response probabilities. This...


Semantic networks for automatic coding

In this paper a general methodology for automatic coding is suggested, which is supposed to be (fairly) general. Characteristic for the approach described in this paper is that each code (say for a...


The satisfaction with life scale examining construct validity

This report describes the validity testing of a multi-item scale of global life satisfaction, namely the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). This scale has been proposed as an alternative to...


ICT, kennis en economie 2012

ICT, kennis en economie 2012 beschrijft de Nederlandse kenniseconomie aan de hand van de pijlers ICT, innovatie en R&D. Het boek bevat een ruime hoeveelheid informatie over telecommunicatie, het...


The Export Scan

This paper by Daan Zult and Floris van Ruth describes a new type of analytical tool, developed for detecting early signals of changes in the development of exports. It is novel in several ways; it...


Nulmeting monitor topsectoren: Uitkomsten fase 1

Uitkomsten uit de eerste fase van het onderzoek naar de bedrijvigheid in Nederlandse Topsectoren. Opdrachtgever: Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie.


Choosing a language and tool for the Business and Information Architecture of Statistics Netherlands

This is a report for choosing a language and tool for the business and information architecture (BI-architecture) of Statistics Netherlands. This is a first step to improve the current way of...


Small Area Estimation Of Turnover Of The Structural Business Survey

Since design-based methods like the generalized regression estimator have large design variances in the case of small sample sizes, model-based techniques can be considered as an alternative. In this...


Optimal scheduling of contact attempts in mixed-mode surveys

Survey nonresponse occurs when members of a sample cannot or will not participate in the survey. It remains a problem despite the development of statistical methods that aim to reduce nonresponse. In...


On second-order inclusion probabilities and variances among large randomized PPS samples

This paper presents and discusses some new results on the second-order inclusion probabilities of a systematic probability proportional to size sample drawn from a randomly ordered list, also called...
