
6284 resultaten voor regionale data centra
6284 resultaten voor regionale data centra

Pagina 220 van 252

Waste accounts in a NAMEA framework

In this study physical supply and use tables for solid waste residuals are compiled for 2003. The motive for developing new Dutch waste accounts was the need to improve the current waste accounts and...


Lbzbasistab:Ziekenhuisopnamen LBZ

Lbzbasistab: Ziekenhuisopnamen Landelijke Basisregistratie Ziekenhuiszorg, 2013-2022


Kredo nieuwsbrief oktober 2014

In deze nieuwsbrief gaan we in op het nieuwe model voor de Iv3 en een actuele beschrijving van de categorieën. Verder is er aandacht voor het boeken van loonkosten bij een ambtelijke fusie en de...


Time-series small area estimation for unemployment based on a rotating panel survey

A time-series multi-level model is used to estimate municipal unemployment based on the Dutch Labour Force Survey (LFS) at a quarterly frequency. The model includes random municipality effects as...


Registers in sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek - Mogelijkheden en valkuilen

Deze publicatie bevat een bundel van artikelen die de mogelijkheden en valkuilen beschrijven van sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek met behulp van administratieve data.


ICT-gebruik financiële sector, naar bedrijfsgrootte; 2004

Comp. gebruik, netwerken, internet, omzet en inkoopwaarde externe net - werken, beveiliging ICT-systemen, on line aangeboden


The Measurement and Decomposition of Productivity Change: Exercises on the Netherlands' Manufacturing Industry

This paper is about the relation between productivity change at the micro level and the meso level. The paper considers the interplay between productivity change at the firm level and changes in the...


Error localization as a mixed integer problem with the editrules package

Error localization is the problem of finding out which fields in raw data records contain erroneous values. The editrules extension package for the R environment forstatistical computing was recently...


Is er contact geweest met de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP)?

Antwoord op vraag Is er contact geweest met de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP)


NA/88 Measurement and valuation of natural gas and oil reserves in the Netherlands

Pommée, Marcel (1998).This paper discusses some conceptual and methodological issues related to the estimation of reserves of natural gas and oil. The first section focuses on these subsoil assets in...


Hogeschool Amsterdam

Op 6 februari 2018 tekenden het CBS en de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) een raamovereenkomst om hun strategische samenwerking te bekrachtigen.


CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: A Persons Network

Tijdens deze eerste CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meeting op 8 maart 2022 konden onderzoekers meer leren over het werken met het microdatabestand ‘A Persons Network (PN)’,


Information management as tool for standardization in statistics

We describe the role of information management in redesign programs: why it is needed, how it is at present being developed through international cooperation in the Generic Statistical Information...


Service lives and discard patterns of capital goods in the manufacturing industry, based on direct capital stock observations, the Netherlands

This paper presents methods and results with regard to the estimation of service lives and discard patterns, based on directly observed capital stock data and on discard surveys in the manufacturing...


Wat is het verschil tussen StatLine en de pagina Cijfers?

FAQ, Wat is het verschil tussen StatLine en cijfers?


A Comparison of Different Estimation Methods with an Application in the Dutch National Elections of 2003 and 2006

The estimation of changes in voting behaviour can be pursued in two ways, by modelling aggregated election results, and by means of recall data recorded in survey questionnaires. In an application of...


Economic circumstances and union dissolution of couples in the 1990s in the Netherlands

This paper investigates the role of economic determinants in the dissolution of recently formed marital and non-marital unions. The economic determinants studied are women’s and men’s personal income...


Time use changes in the Netherlands: The analytical strength of a time-use module

This paper first summarizes the discussion around the construction of a household satellite account and then continues to present the extension of the Dutch National Accounts with a time-use module....


Longitudinal analysis in statistical offices

An inventory was made of methods used in longitudinal analysis by National Statistical Institutes, together with selected longitudinal data sets of NSI's. The methodology was mostly not an explicit...


NA/56 Origin and development of the Dutch National Accounts

Den Bakker, Gert P. (1992).This paper describes the history of national accounting in the Netherlands. After two early estimates in the beginning of the nineteenth century, modern national accounting...


CPI - Het gebruik van supermarktscannerdata in de Nederlandse CPI

Sinds januari 2010 past het CBS in de CPI een nieuwe methode toe bij de berekening van prijsindexcijfers op basis van scannerdata. Tegelijkertijd is het aantal bedrijven dat scannerdata aan het CBS...


SHARE: Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

SHARE: Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
