Pagina 18 van 22
Meer vacatures
Het aantal vacatures is in het tweede kwartaal van 2006 met 17 duizend gestegen.
Forse banengroei in eerste kwartaal 2006
In het eerste kwartaal van 2006 waren er 35 duizend banen meer dan in het laatste kwartaal van 2005.
Statistisch Bulletin no. 27
Het Bulletin van deze week bevat gegevens over: Dienstverlening en Prijzen.
NA/66 Comparability of the sector General Government in the National Accounts, a case study for the Netherlands and Germany
Streppel, Irene and Dick Van Tongeren (1994).This paper questions the international comparability of data concerning the sector General Government in the National Accounts. Two differences are...
NA/52 The allocation of time in the Netherlands in the context of the SNA; a module
Kazemier, Brugt and Jeanet Exel (1992).This paper presents a module on informal production, supplementing the National Accounts. Its purpose is to incorporate informal production into the concepts of...
NA/23 Compilation of household sector accounts in the Netherlands National Accounts
Van der Laan, P. (1987).This paper provides a concise description of the way in which household sector accounts are compiled within the Netherlands National Accounts. Special attention is paid to...
NA/16 Uncovering hidden income distributions: the Dutch approach
Van Bochove, C.A. (1987).The three modules in this paper constitute a system of Socio-Economic Accounts that provides a complete description of the distribution of income, both primary, secondary,...
NA/10 Dual sectoring in National Accounts
Al, P.G. (1985).Following a conceptual explanation of dual sectoring, an outline is given of a statistical system with complete dual sectoring in which the linkages are also defined and worked out....
NA/09 The structure of the next SNA: review of the basic options
Van Bochove, C.A. and A.M. Bloem (1985).There are two basic issues with respect to the structure of the next version of the UN System of National Accounts. The first is its 'size': reviewing this...
Statistisch Bulletin no. 23
Het Bulletin van deze week bevat gegevens over: Financiële instellingen en markten, Arbeidsmarkt, Innovatie ICT en investeringen, Prijzen, Bevolking, Internationale Handel, Dienstverlening.
Statistisch Bulletin no. 18
Het Bulletin van deze week bevat gegevens over: Conjunctuurgegevens, Prijzen.
Sociaal-economische trends, 1e kwartaal 2006
Statistisch Bulletin no. 01
Het Bulletin van deze week bevat gegevens over: Prijzen.