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1461 results for output
1461 results for output

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Producer confidence marginally down

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated marginally in September. Statistics Netherlands announced today that the producer confidence indicator fell from 0.0 in August to - 0.2 in September.


Producer confidence hardly changed

The mood among Dutch manufacturers hardly changed in January. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 1.4 versus – 1.3 in December 2011, but there were some underlying changes.


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1987 - 2013

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Exports down

The volume of exports of goods was 2.8 percent down in May 2014 from May 2013. A decline of this magnitude has not occurred in the past four and a half years. In the months prior to the decline in...


Economic situation improves again

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is improving further in May.


economic situation gradually improving

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that - just as in the preceding months - the economic situation in the Netherlands continues to improve. Most indicators in February’s Business Cycle Tracer...


Nutrient surplus in agriculture

Output and value added in Dutch agriculture have increased in recent years, while the surplus of nitrogen and phosphorus has decreased.


Sustained growth Dutch exports

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of exports of goods was 3.7 percent up in October 2015 from October 2014. Growth was somewhat higher than in the preceding month, when exports...


Exports down by over 2 percent in December

The total volume of goods exports shrank by 2.2 percent in December relative to December 2017.


New dwellings; outputindices 2000=100

Price index figures and changes, including and excluding VAT


Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; NA, 2005-2014

Keyfigures on income, expenditure and net worth of households Source of income, living situation, household composition, age and income


Dutch economic growth sliding

Tthe Dutch economy grew by 1.1 percent in the third quarter of 2011 compared with same quarter last year.


Economic situation hardly changes

The economic situation is more or less the same in September compared to one month previously.


0.3 percent economic growth in Q4

Statistics Netherlands reports that Dutch quarter-on-quarter economic growth in Q4 2015 was 0.3 percent. Growth is fuelled by investments and exports.


Manufacturing industry still suffering from blow credit crunch

Output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.4 percent higher in June 2011 than in June 2010. Production has been higher than one year previously for almost eighteen months now,...


First quarter economic growth 3.1 percent

First estimate puts economic growth at 3.1 percent in the first quarter of 2008 on the same quarter last year.


Manufacturing prices almost 6 percent higher

Prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were almost 6 percent up in May 2017 from last year.


Randstad economy fourth largest in Europe

The Randstad region is the largest economic urban region in the European Union (EU) after Paris, London and Milan, but the per capita production in the Randstad is lower than in many other urban...


Energy balance sheet; supply, transformation and consumption, 1995-2013

Energy commodities reported into petajoules (PJ) and physical units by energy consumers and balance sheet items.


Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Environment and Economics; Environmental Accounts; Airemissions Industries


Export growth 5 percent in October

The total volume of goods exports grew by 5.1 percent in October relative to October 2017.
