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7774 results for wage increase
7774 results for wage increase

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Small and relatively expensive housing in Amsterdam

Thirty percent of Amsterdam households own their home.



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of health? Health is a strong determinant of quality of life. Poor health and chronic illness limit...


One fifth fewer bankruptcies in 2014

According to Statistics Netherlands, 520 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt in December 2014, i.e. 32 more than in November. The increase was caused by...


One in three disabled hold paid jobs

In 2013, 14 percent of all 15 to 64-year-olds in the Netherlands – nearly 1.6 million people – had a disability. They suffer from chronic diseases, disorders or disabilities restricting their...


Fewer social security claimants find work

The proportion of social security claimants who found a new job declined further last year. Since the start of the survey in 2007, the proportion has never been so low.


Investment climate; aviation network connectivity international comparison

Aviation network connectivity Major European airports near cities


Growing business confidence

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, business confidence, the indicator reflecting the mood in the Dutch private sector was higher than in the third quarter.


Traffic deaths down again

640 people were killed in traffic accidents in the Netherlands in 2010. This is 11 percent fewer than the 720 deaths in 2009, and continues the downward trend observed in the last few years.


Top sectors account for one-quarter of GDP

An outline of developments in the nine Dutch top sectors.


More international tech graduates stay to work

In 2014, over 38% of all international technology graduates from 2007/’08 held a job in the Netherlands.


Environmental-economic impact of tourism sector studied

The tourism industry accounts for 7 percent of net domestic energy consumption.


Social tensions indicator: Gauging society

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has previously published articles about the development of the social tensions indicator based on social media posts.


Regulating services

These are the benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes, including air quality regulation, climate regulation, water regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste...


Environmental transfers and subsidies

Environmentally motivated subsidies provided by the government increased from 764 million euros in 2005 to nearly 1.2 billion euros in 2010.


Statistics Netherlands invests in Spark to process big data

Over the next few months, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will invest in a new computer system: Spark.


Dutch economy expands by 0.1 percent, 46 thousand fewer jobs

the Dutch economy grew by 0.1 percent in the third quarter van 2013 compared to the second quarter. It is the first time after the second quarter of 2012 that there is any quarterly growth.


Contribution of re-exports doubled over past 20 years

Re-exports of goods have become increasingly important for the Dutch economy over the past decades.


Dutch people mostly use the cloud for free

Dutch internet users aged between 16 to 75 tend to store their files more often through cloud computing than internet users elsewhere in Europe. However, they pay less often for this than people in...


Population up by over 100 thousand in 2017

The population of the Netherlands again saw relatively strong growth in 2017.


More households at poverty risk in 2008

Lage inkomens, kans op armoede en uitsluiting 2009. It describes recent developments in poverty and constraints in social and financial aspects.
