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1041 results for keyword%3A%22businesses%22

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Bakers, butchers and greengrocers charge higher prices for their products

Consumer prices for bread, meat and fresh vegetables were raised across the retail sector last year. In the past five years, price increases were most noticeable in specialist shops.


Childhood cancer mortality further down

In 2016, 61 children under the age of 15 died of cancer. Fifty years ago, this number was over four times as high.


Electricity generation from fossil fuels invariably high

In the period 1998–2008, total electricity generation in the Netherlands increased by 14 percent.


Unemployment rises to over 8 percent

According to figures released today by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands rose by 30 thousand in March, to 643 thousand people.Figures published by UWV – the...


How do emissions compare to economic growth?

How do emissions compare to economic growth?


Food prices still rising strongly

Since September 2007, Dutch consumers have been paying more for their groceries every month. The 6.3 percent increase in food prices in May 2008 was the largest since 2002.


Construction hits rock bottom

Some 60 thousand new dwellings were completed In 2003. This is 11 percent less than in 2002 and the lowest number of dwellings completed since 1953. The worst seems to be over, however, since the...


Strong turnover rise for large construction companies in 2007

The turnover of large construction companies in the Netherlands rose by just over 10 percent in 2007. In 2006 this increase was still only 3 percent.


More cars sold in 2010

Car and motorcycle sales were nearly 9 percent higher in 2010 than in 2009. With more than 19 percent, importers of new passenger cars realised the largest turnover growth.


Substantial exports growth

The volume of exports of goods was more than 11 percent higher in December 2010 than twelve months previously. In November exports grew by nearly 9 percent.


Dutch imports of German wine grow by 13 percent

The Netherlands imported more than 71 million litres of German wine last year, an increase by 13 percent relative to 2007. Since the turn of the century, German wine imports have tripled.


Record number of international air passengers via Schiphol

Nearly 50 million international air passengers travelled to and from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport in 2011, a record. 28 million of these passengers travelled within the European Union.


People in poor health find it more difficult to live within their income

People who consider their own health as poor more often find it hard to make ends meet. They cannot afford a hot meal every other day or heat their houses properly.


Church attendance in decline

Last year, 16 percent in the population attended religious services in churches, mosques or went to other religious meetings on a regular basis. Yet, more than half of adults in the Dutch population...


More social security claimants in 2014, but share young claimants stable

The number of social security claimants increased further by 22 thousand in 2014, versus an increase by 32 thousand in 2013. The share of young claimants has not changed. Statistics Netherlands...


One in six single female old age pensioners have low supplementary incomes

In 2012, nearly 2 million households received old age pensions. In 173 thousand cases, the supplementary incomes of over-65 households did not exceed 250 euros a month. Among these households were...


Children of crime suspects more often heard by the police

Young adults whose parents had been crime suspects were more often heard by the police than their peers.
