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1041 results for keyword%3A%22businesses%22
1041 results for keyword%3A%22businesses%22

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Tenfold increase parking fee revenues within two decades

Dutch municipalities expect to receive 533 million euro in parking fees, ten times as much as in 1989. Amsterdam estimates to receive more than 130 million euro over 2009, i.e. one quarter of total...


Nearly 80K employees from Belgium and Germany in 2016

Out of the 7.7 million employee jobs in the Netherlands as of December 2016, around 1 percent were filled by employees who were residents of either Belgium or Germany.


Dutch consumers gain confidence

The mood among Dutch consumers improved substantially in January, because consumers were much more optimistic about the economic climate. The consumer confidence index rose 6 points and stood at -8....


More new houses built, fewer building permits granted

In the first nine months of 2008, nearly 45 thousand new dwellings were completed, a 7 percent increase on the first three quarters of 2007. The amount of residential building permits granted...


Hotel holidays gaining popularity

Eight in ten Dutch take a holiday at least once a year. The number of (online) hotel reservations through travel agencies is increasing.


Decline in exports slows down

The volume of goods exports was more than 7 percent smaller in September 2009 than one year ago, as against nearly 8 percent in August. The volume of goods imports shrank by nearly 14 percent in...


Donor register includes 6.3 million persons

As of this year, the number of people aged 12 and over who are included in the Dutch organ donor register has increased to over 6.3 million. This is equivalent to 42 percent of the population.


More bankruptcies

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that, adjusted for court session days, the number of bankruptcies rose by 47 in October 2015 relative to September. The number of bankruptcies increased notably...


Growth rate exports remains high

In November 2010, the volume of goods exports was up by 9 percent on November 2009. Although growth was slightly less rapid than in October, the volume of exports reached the highest level ever in...


Fewer bankruptcies in August

According to Statistics Netherlands, 463 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt in August 2014, i.e. 168 down from the preceding month. The decrease is...


Household incomes exceed total household spending

In the first six months of this year, total Dutch household spending was 1.1 billion down on the first half of 2007. The extra money allowed them to keep up their spending pattern and leave their...


Manufacturers a little more optimistic

The mood among manufacturers improved a little in January. The producer confidence indicator stood at 2.7 versus 2.5 in December 2010.


Number of job vacancies further down

The vacancy indicator provides a quick indication of the further trend in job vacancies. The indicator was about the same in March as in February and was also fairly stable in the preceding months.


Number of job vacancies further down

There were 101 thousand job vacancies at the end of December 2012, i.e. 7 thousand fewer than at the end of September.


Mopeds more popular among adults

On 1 January last year, moped ownership in the Netherlands totalled 874 thousand vehicles, an increase by 22 percent relative to two years ago. Regular and light mopeds are gaining increasing...


No further fall in job vacancies

The number of job vacancies did not fall further in the fourth quarter of 2003. After correction for seasonal effects, there were 100 thousand job vacancies at the end of December 2003. This is 7...
