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7775 results for wage increase
7775 results for wage increase

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Economic contraction 0.2 percent in Q2 2023

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.2 percent in Q2 2023 relative to Q1 2023.


Investments nearly 4 percent down in November

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by 3.6 percent year on year.


International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight


Well-being here and now: safety

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Safety.


Chinese goods imports down for first time in 7 years

In 2023, the import value of Chinese goods was nearly 17 percent lower than in 2022.


China third-largest supplier of plug-in electric vehicles in 2023

The third-largest number of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in 2023 came from China, after Germany and Belgium.


Government; Balance and Maastricht debt, sectors

Balance and Maastricht debt in million euros and as percentage of GDP subdivided to subsectors of general government.


Municipal finances from 1900

Realised figures on revenues, expenditures and debts of municipalities. Municipal levies.


Population dynamics; birth, death and migration per region

Population growth by birth, death and migration, per sex and region


Province; rates surcharges motor vehicle tax

Rate surcharges motor vehicle tax Per province.


Manufacturing; stocks of finished goods, 2021=100

Index figures and changes of stocks of finished goods in manufacturing Periods


Innovative research into drone flight paths using CBS data

It’s hard to remember a time before unmanned aircraft – drones – took to the skies.


Manufacturing output prices down by 3 percent in January

Output prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 3 percent lower in Januaryr relative to one year previously.


Retail turnover over 4 percent up in 2021

Adjusted for the shopping day-pattern, the Dutch retail sector achieved 4.4 percent turnover growth in 2021.


Less cargo loaded and unloaded at Dutch seaports

The total volume of incoming and outgoing cargo shipments that passed through seaports in the Netherlands fell by 7.6 percent to 574 million tonnes in 2023.


Earnings from exports to Russia almost halved

In 2022, Dutch export earnings from trade with Russia declined as of the end of February, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Netherlands generated altogether 1.7 billion euros by exporting...


Population in the future

Dutch population forecast, number of inhabitants in the Netherlands in the future


Manufacturers slightly more negative in March

Dutch manufacturers were more negative in March than one month previously.


Economic outlook deteriorates further in September

The economic climate in September 2023 is more negative than it was in August.


Greenhouse gas emissions 5 percent lower in Q2 2023

In Q2 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 5 percent lower than in Q2 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


COVID-19 mortality continues to decline in 2023

Mortality from COVID-19 has further decreased in 2023.


Industrial sector expects investment to rise by 30 percent

Manufacturers in the industrial sector expect to invest around 30 percent more in tangible fixed assets (such as buildings, machinery, transportation equipment or computers) in 2024 than they did in...


Economic growth of 1.0 percent in Q4 2021

According to the second quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), in Q4 2021 Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.0 percent relative to Q3 2021. Growth amounted to...


Care expenditure up by 1.2 percent in 2022

In 2022, public spending on care and welfare including child care amounted to 126.2 billion euros. This is 1.5 billion euros (1.2 percent) higher than in 2021.


Investments 2.5 percent up in October

Tthe volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was up by 2.5 percent year on year.
