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4760 results for fuel pump prices
4760 results for fuel pump prices

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Employer business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Employers births; Employers deaths; Employer population Sector_branches_SIC_2008; legal forms


Turnover accommodation and food services up by over 2 percent in Q1

Seasonally adjusted turnover in the accommodation and food services sector rosy by 2.3 percent in Q1 2023 relative to Q4 2022.


HICP 9.9 percent higher in June

In June 2022, inflation according to the European Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) stood at 9.9 percent.


Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources

Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources reflects the effects of Dutch imports of resources and the environmental impact of this, particularly in the least developed countries (LDCs), for...


Exports of goods and services by origin; National Accounts

Value at current prices and pricelevel 2015 in million euros, origin of exports SIC 2008, re-export, trade and transport margins


How energy measures are incorporated into the CPI

In autumn 2022, the government announced two measures to reduce household energy costs: the temporary energy allowance and the price cap on energy. The allowance is classed as income support and...


Household consumption slightly up in April

Households spent 0.3 percent more in April 2023 year on year, adjusted for price changes. Again, they spent more on services but less on goods.


Strongest inflation in almost 40 years

The inflation rate in November was the highest in nearly 40 years.


Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption

Electricity, production by energy source, import, export and consumption


Renewable electricity share up by 20 percent in 2022

In 2022, electricity production from renewable sources increased by 20 percent year on year.


National solid biomass balance; production and consumption

National solid biomass balance National solid biomass; Production and consumption;Energy commodities


Imports from India have increased eightfold since 2002

Between 2002 and 2022, the value of Dutch goods imported from India became eight times higher. India’s share in Dutch imports rose as well over the same period, from 0.6 percentage point to 1 percent.


Inflation down on Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba

In Q1 2023, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 4.5 percent more expensive than one year previously. The inflation rate was still 8.1 percent in Q4 2022.


House price increase 20.4 percent in December

In December 2021, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 20.4 percent more expensive than one year previously. It is the largest price increase since the start of this...


Growth accounts; national accounts

Productivity: labour, capital, multi-factor productivity Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008)


Business demography, European standard; size class,SIC2008

Enterprise births; enterprise deaths; legal form Persons employed; NCEA 2008


Employer business demography, European standard, size class, SIC2008

Employer births; Employer deaths; Persons employed; SIC 2008;


Well-being ‘elsewhere’: summary

What is well-being ‘elsewhere’? Well-being elsewhere describes the impact of Dutch well-being on the rest of the world, and particularly on the least developed countries (LDCs). It examines the...


Manufacturing output prices 19.5 percent up in December

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 19.5 percent up in December 2021 year on year.


Dutch house price increase among the highest in the EU

In Q3 2021, transaction prices of both new and existing owner-occupied dwellings in the Netherlands were on average 16.8 percent higher than one year previously.


Business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Enterprise births; enterprise deaths; enterprise population SIC 2008; legal forms


Non-financial corporations; non-fin. transactions by type of corporations

Resources, uses and balancing items of subsectors non-financial corporati Subsectors of non-financial corporations


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q2 2024

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower in Q2 2024 than in Q21 2023. This was mainly due to a fall in emissions of the electricity and moblity sector.


Electricity and heat; production and input by energy commodity

Production of electricity and heat, input of energy commodities Central/decentral production, energy commodities


Approaches of domestic product (GDP); National Accounts

Data on the output components, final expenditure categories and income components of gross domestic products, annual data
