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370 results for keyword:labour market
370 results for keyword:labour market

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Further increase hours worked in temp jobs

In the fourth quarter of 2013, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was 1.6 percent up from the preceding quarter. In the third quarter, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs...


Job vacancies rise slightly

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, there were 97 thousand job vacancies in the Netherlands at the end of December 2013. The figure has been corrected for seasonal effects


Substantial increase unemployment among lower-skilled technicians and construction workers

Between 2008 and 2012, unemployment rose faster among lower educated people than among secondary and high educated people. The unemployment increase was most obvious among lower-skilled technicians...


Medical professionals ageing

The share of over-55s among medical professionals is higher than among other professionals employed in the care sector. Since the beginning of the 21st century, ageing in the care sector is above the...


Further decline in job vacancies

There were 91 thousand job vacancies at the end of June 2013, the lowest level in nearly ten years. The number of job vacancies decreased by 6 thousand relative to the end of March.


Again fewer job vacancies

The vacancy indicator improved somewhat more in June, after marginal improvements in April and May.


Number of job vacancies down again

There were 97 thousand job vacancies at the end of March 2013. The number of job vacancies has declined gradually over the past two years, mostly due to a reduced demand for staff in the private...


Number of job vacancies further down

There were 101 thousand job vacancies at the end of December 2012, i.e. 7 thousand fewer than at the end of September. The number of vacant jobs declined due to a reduced demand for staff...


Pupils and students often work as shop assistant or the in catering industry

Shop assistant, shelf stacker and waitress are the most popular jobs among pupils and students. Boys most often work as shelf stackers in supermarkets, shop assistant is the most popular job among...


More working mothers with young children

Over the past decade, more mothers with young children have become active on the job market. Three quarters of mothers with young children were employed or actively seeking work in the third quarter...


Slightly more income support benefits

320 thousand income support benefits were being paid to people up to the age of 65 years at the end of September 2012. This is one thousand more than in the previous quarter, and 6 thousand more than...


Stable number of job vacancies

By the end of September, there were 108 thousand seasonally corrected job vacancies, down 1 thousand on the previous quarter. The number of vacancies fell considerably faster in the previous three...


Number of job vacancies fairly stable

There were 108 thousand job vacancies at the end of September 2012, i.e. slightly fewer than at the end of June.


Outcome monitor priority neighbourhoods: Second Progress Report (Dutch only)

This publication describes the developments in the 40 priorty neighbourhoods compared to the 18 municipalities of which they are part. Commissioned by: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations...


Fewer job vacancies

There were 109 thousand job vacancies at the end of June 2012, i.e. 9 thousand fewer than at the end of March.


Fewer job vacancies

The vacancy indicator deteriorated marginally in August compared to the preceding month.


Fewer job vacancies

There were 109 thousand job vacancies at the end of June 2012, i.e. 9 thousand fewer than at the end of March. The number of job vacancies fell for the fourth quarter in a row.


Fewer job vacancies

The vacancy indicator provides a quick indication of the current trend in vacancies. The indicator deteriorated marginally in June compared to the preceding month. In the private sector, pessimists...


Fewer hours worked in temp jobs

The amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was nearly 2 percent down in the first quarter of 2012 from the fourth quarter of 2011. The number of hours worked in stage A temp jobs declined for...


Slightly fewer job vacancies

According to figures released today, there were 118 thousand job vacancies at the end of March 2012, after correction for seasonal effects.


Fewer job vacancies

There were 118 thousand job vacancies at the end of March 2012, i.e. 5 thousand fewer than at the end of December 2011.The number of job vacancies fell for the third quarter in a row.


Movements on the Dutch labour market, 1999-2008 (Dutch only)

This paper describes the mobility on the Dutch labour market between 1999 and 2008. In this paper the labour market is divided into 28 sectors. Commissioned by: Council for Work and Income


Number of job vacancies drops further

The vacancy indicator provides a quick indication of the current trend in vacancies. The indicator remained fairly stable in March relative to the preceding month, just like in January and February....


Young people 2010 (Dutch only)

This publication provides a picture of 15 to 27-year-olds in the Netherlands in 2010. Some of the themes dealt with are education, employment and benefit dependency. Commissioned by the Ministry of...


Number of job vacancies drops further

Just like in January, the vacancy indicator remained fairly stable in February relative to the preceding month. Pessimism still marginally prevailed over optimism in the private sector. At the end of...
