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370 results for keyword:labour market
370 results for keyword:labour market

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economic situation gradually improving

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that - just as in the preceding months - the economic situation in the Netherlands continues to improve. Most indicators in February’s Business Cycle Tracer...


Unemployment further down

In the fourth quarter of 2015 unemployment declined by an average of 7 thousand a month, whereas the downward trend stalled in August and September. In December 588 thousand people in the Netherlands...


Unemployment rate up

Over the past three months, more people in the Netherlands who were not actively looking on the labour market have begun seeking employment, but often without success. The number of people in the...


Germany's labour market in better shape compared to its western neighbours

In comparison with the Netherlands and Belgium, Germany’s labour market has seen a particularly positive development over the past decade. In September 2015, unemployment stood at 4.5 percent in...


No further reduction unemployment

Early this year, the number of unemployed started to fall, but in the past three months the decline has come to a standstill. In September, 607 thousand people or 6.8 percent in the labour force were...


European support for helping young unemployed people find work

Over 145 young unemployed people in the Netherlands have improved their opportunities on the job market with financial support from Europe since 2009. Until 2014 over half of the participants in ESF...


Marginal increase employed, fewer people unemployed

The number of employed people increased by an average of 2 thousand a month in the period February-April. Employment rose noticeably among young people and over-45s. In the same period, the labour...


More people find employment, in particular young people

The number of people who found jobs during the past three months has grown by an average of 6 thousand a month. Most of them are young.


75 thousand young people at a great distance from the labour market

Four in ten unemployed young people in the Netherlands in the age category 15-26 who are not attending education or training programmes, are not looking for work and are not immediately available for...


More two-income couples with one full-time job and one large part-time job

More and more women, in particular the youngest generations, participate on the labour market. As a result of this development, the distribution of working hours between partners has also changed....


female labour participation stabilising following years of increase

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, participation of Dutch women on the labour market rose substantially in the period 1998-2013. At the end of 2013, however, it fell...


Number of social security claimants stable

The number of social security claimants has not grown further during the third quarter of 2014; at the end of September, 430 thousand people received social security benefits.


unemployment statistics better and cheaper

Lower costs, more respondents, better international comparability and web surveys.


Fewer social security claimants find work

The proportion of social security claimants who found a new job declined further last year. Since the start of the survey in 2007, the proportion has never been so low.


Cautious recovery labour market in second quarter

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the Dutch labour market showed signs of recovery in the second quarter of 2014.


Growing number of people rely on social security

The number of social security claimants has risen by 8 thousand to 434 thousand in the second quarter of 2014.


Job vacancies continue slight growth

Number of job vacancies rose slightly in the second quarter of 2014: there were 4 thousand more vacancies than in the previous quarter. This is the fourth quarter in a row that the number of...


Economic situation virtually unchanged

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in July was about the same as in June. Economic recovery has come to a virtual standstill in the last few months.


Number of social security recipients continues to grow

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the number of social security recipients rose by 13 thousand to 426 thousand in the first quarter of 2014. Despite indications that the economy is picking...


Number of job vacancies continues to rise

The number of job vacancies rose by 7 thousand in the first quarter of 2014. At the end of the first quarter of 2014 there were more job vacancies in nearly all industry sectors. This is now the...


Income data employed living on long-term low incomes; characteristics and explanations (Dutch only)

This report includes results on the composition of the category of employed living on long-term low incomes and the factors which determine why people are trapped in a long-term low-income situation....


More people think their chances of finding employment are very poor

Last year, 70 thousand people, nearly twice as many as in 2008, thought their chances of finding employment was so low that they have stopped looking for work altogether. Especially among 55 to...


Substantial growth social security recipients

At the end of December last year, 413 thousand persons received social security benefits, i.e. 10 thousand more than in the third quarter. Over the entire year 2013, the number of social security...
