Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q1 2024

These are the most recent figures on this topic. View the previous figures here.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower in Q1 2024 than in Q1 2023. This was mainly due to a fall in emissions of 17 percent in the electricity sector. Emissions from agriculture were up by 3 percent, however. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)/Emissions Register report this on the basis of provisional quarterly figures on GHG emissions, in accordance with the IPCC guidelines.

GHG emissions by source sector, Q1
SectorYearCO2 (megatonnes of CO2-equivalent)Other greenhouse gases (megatonnes of CO2-equivalent)
Totaal IPCC202434.56.7
Totaal IPCC202336.16.7
Buildings and construction20247.30.2
Buildings and construction20237.60.2
Land use20240.90.2
Land use20230.80.2
* provisional figures

Lower greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity sector

In Q1 2024, GHG emissions in the electricity sector were 17 percent lower than in the same quarter of 2023. The electricity sector used less coal because of increased production from wind and solar energy. The sector used virtually the same amount of natural gas.

Due to the significant drop in emissions, the share of the electricity sector in total greenhouse gas emissions also decreased: from 18 percent in Q1 2023 to more 15 percent in Q1 2024.

Lower emissions from the built environment and mobility sector too

In Q1 2024, less natural gas was used to heat homes and buildings. As a result, the built environment emitted 5 percent less in greenhouse gases. Emissions from the mobility sector were also 4 percent lower than a year earlier, due to less road traffic.

Higher greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture were 3 percent higher in Q1 2024. The sector used more natural gas for both electricity production and for the rest of its operations. This can be attributed to a drop in the price of natural gas.

Manufacturing greenhouse gas emissions are virtually the same

Manufacturing used slightly more natural gas, but less oil. On balance, greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing were virtually the same as in Q1 2023.

Contributions of greenhouse gas emissions by source sector, Q1 2024
Buildings and construction18
Land use2.5

CBS also calculates CO2 emissions from all domestic economic activities according to the national accounts. Compared to emissions according to the IPCC definitions, this also includes CO2 emissions from international air and sea transport and emissions from the combustion of biomass. In the news release below, the CO2 emissions are described in accordance with the calculation method of the national accounts.

CO2 emissions by the Dutch economy over 4 percent lower

In Q1 2024, the Dutch economy emitted 4.1 percent less CO2 than in Q1 2023, while gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 0.7 percent in the same period. The decrease in CO2 emissions is mainly due to less use of coal by power stations and less consumption of natural gas by households and industry.

Total emissions are also related to weather conditions, and are lower when it is warmer. Taking this factor into account, the decrease in CO2 emissions by the Dutch economy amounted to 2.7 percent.

In Q1, CO2 emissions from agriculture, mineral extraction, manufacturing and construction combined were 0.9 percent higher than in the same quarter last year. Agriculture, in particular, emitted more CO2 while the construction sector and manufacturing emitted less CO2.

The transport sector emitted 1.2 percent more CO2 than one year previously, while the value added was 0.1 percent higher. This increase was mainly due to aviation. CO2 emissions from aviation were over 7 percent higher than in Q1 2023. Emissions from maritime transport were also 9 percent higher. However, inland shipping and road transport emitted less than in the same quarter last year.

CO2 emissions and economic development, Q1 2024
CategoriesCO2-emissions (year-on-year volume change in %)Value added (year-on-year volume change in %)GDP (year-on-year volume change in %)
Total (weather adjusted)-2.7
Transport sector1.20.1
Agriculture, mining,
manufacturing and construction
Other services-4.50.6
Energy and water supply,
waste management

The calculations of CO2 emissions are a first estimate based on information available at that particular moment. Figures may change as a result of new statistical source information becoming available at a later stage.