Composition development of goods exports: exporter behavior

Composition development of goods exports: exporter behavior

Export behavior Periods Export growth (1 000 euros) Contribution to total export growth (%)
Increase: entering export markets 2022* . .
Increase: existing combo product/country 2022* . .
Increase: existing product, new country 2022* . .
Increase: new product, existing country 2022* . .
Increase: new combo product/country 2022* . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides figures on the development of Dutch export value, broken down by export portfolio dynamics in terms of export products and destinations. A product is here defined as a 4-digit product group according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and destinations are classified according to the Geonomenclature (GEONOM).

Data available from: 2012.

Status of the figures:
The provisional figures on international trade may be adjusted on the basis of new or revised source data. This means their provisional status may be prolonged. New figures will be published in Q4 of the year following the reporting year. Figures over the previous years have already become definitive.

Changes as of November 7, 2023:
The provisional figures for 2022 have been added.
The yearly mutations compared to the previous year are absent due to a methodological change; Due to a technical reason, the yearly mutations are absent over 2022.

Changes as of October 7, 2022:
The final figures for 2020 and the provisional figures for 2021 have been added.

When will new figures become available?
New figures will be published in Q4 of the year following the reporting year.

Description topics

Export growth
Year-on-year changes in absolute value. Annual changes for 2015 were omitted due to the break in series 2014/2015.
Contribution to total export growth
The contribution of a specific category to the total percentage growth in goods exports, calculated by dividing the absolute change in a category by the total value change of goods exports, multiplied by the annual change of goods exports as a percentage.