GDP, output and expenditures; value, QNA, 1995-2017

GDP, output and expenditures; value, QNA, 1995-2017

Dimensions Periods Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure National final expenditure Final consumption expenditure Total (mln euro) Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure National final expenditure Final consumption expenditure Households including NPISHs (mln euro) Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure National final expenditure Final consumption expenditure General government (mln euro) Production approach to GDP Value added basic prices A-F Agriculture and industry B-E Industry (no construction), energy D Electricity and gas supply (mln euro) Income approach to GDP Consumption of fixed capital (mln euro) National net lending or net borrowing Surplus of the nation on income approach Final consumption expenditure (-) (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Total final consumption expenditure (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of goods Total (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Total (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Housing (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Accommodation and food services (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Recreational and cultural services (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Transport and communication services (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Medical services and welfare (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Financial and business services (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption of services Other services (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Domestic final consumption (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption by residents abroad (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Households including NPISHs Consumption non-residents in Netherlands (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification General government Individual consumption by government (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Expenditure classification General government Collective consumption by government (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Acquisition classification Total final consumption expenditure (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Acquisition classification Actual individual consumption (mln euro) Additional details Final consumption expenditure Acquisition classification Actual collective final consumption (mln euro) Additional details Exports by groups of products Consumption non-residents in Netherlands (mln euro) Additional details Exports by groups of products Exports of services Consumption non-residents in Netherlands (mln euro) Additional details Imports by groups of products Consumption by residents abroad (mln euro)
Prices of 2010 2018 1st quarter* 115,488 74,444 40,999 2,161 29,976 115,488 115,488 . . . . . . . . . 74,279 2,229 2,080 27,814 13,200 115,488 102,288 13,200 2,080 2,080 2,229
Prices of 2010 seasonally adjusted 2018 1st quarter* 117,408 74,980 42,382 1,987 . 117,408 117,408 . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,726 13,662 117,408 103,743 13,662 . . .
Current prices 2018 1st quarter* 126,677 82,581 44,096 1,862 29,880 126,677 126,677 . . . . . . . . . 82,382 2,559 2,360 29,436 14,660 126,677 112,017 14,660 2,360 2,360 2,559
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2018 1st quarter* 128,378 83,222 45,413 1,638 29,743 128,378 128,378 . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,326 15,041 128,378 113,331 15,041 . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data from Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) of Statistics The Netherlands. It contains quarterly and annual data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions of The Netherlands.

The above mentioned macroeconomic variables are presented in:

- Value at current prices, mln euro
- Value at current prices, mln euro, seasonally adjusted
- Value at prices of 2010, mln euro
- Value at prices of 2010, mln euro, seasonally adjusted

Data available from: 1995 first quarter up to and including 2018 first quarter.

Status of the figures:
The figures of the period 1995-2014 are final. Data of 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data will not become final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table GDP, output and expenditures; value, Quarterly National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Expenditure approach to GDP
The way GDP is formed by underlying components in the so-called expenditure approach. In this approach the components are consumption by households, consumption by the general government, gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories and exports, minus imports. Changes in inventories are included for consistency with the production approach. From the 2010 edition of the European System of Accounts onwards these changes are added to fixed capital formation. Consumption, fixed capital formation and changes in inventories add up to the so-called national final expenditure. By adding exports final expenditure is obtained. Intermediate consumption, goods and services used upon production, is not part of final expenditure.
Final expenditure
The sum of the National final expenditure and the exports of goods and services. This variable is by definition equal to the disposable final expenditure (GDP and imports).
National final expenditure
The sum of the consumption of households and the government, gross fixed capital formation and changes in inventories.
Final consumption expenditure
Expenditure on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs. Expenses may be made at home or abroad, but they are always made by resident institutional units, that is households or institutions residing in the Netherlands. By defnition only households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and government institutions consume. Enterprises do not: expenses they make on goods and services are thought to serve production and are therefor classified as intermediate consumption of fixed capital formation. The general government is a special case. The government also has intermediate consumption, just like enterprises. But the output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the general government. It is said that the government ‘consumes its own production’. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. It also contains social transfers in kind. In the Netherlands this mainly concerns health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.
Households including NPISHs
Consumption expenditure by households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs). Not all expenses made by households are seen as consumptive, households may invest as well. These investments mainly concern the purchase of houses and substantial costs on maintenance. Small costs on maintenance, indoor painting and the purchase of furniture is classified as consumption. This also applies to the purchase of cars and car maintenance.
General government
Consumption expenditure by the general government sector. The output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the government. It is said that the government ‘consumes its own production’. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. Purchases by general government of goods and services produced by market producers that are supplied to households as social transfers in kind are part of government consumption as well. Examples of this in the Netherlands are ealth care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.

Government output consumed by the government is classified into collective consumption and individulisable consumption. Collective consumption by the government consists of services for collective consumption that are provided simultaneously to all members of the community. Examples of this are expenses on defense, environmental health or public governance. Individulisable consumption is made up of expenses that serve only part of the community. This concerns mainly education.
Production approach to GDP
The way GDP is formed by underlying components in the so-called production approach. In this approach GDP equals the sum of value added over all branches (including non-commercial ones). Value added is thereby registered at basic prices. GDP at market prices is obtained by adding taxes less subsidies on production and the difference between imputed and paid VAT. The included taxes and subsidies apply both to produced and imported goods and services. Examples of these are VAT and taxes on import.
Value added basic prices
The value of all goods and services produced (production value or output), minus those that have been intermediately used upon production (intermediate consumption). Value added is rated at basic prices: purchaser's prices minus trade and transport margins and taxes on products paid and plus subsidies on products received. Intermediate consumption is rated at purchaser's prices minus non-deductible VAT.
Included is the output by all kind-of-activity units residing in the Netherlands, also those that are held by foreign owners.

Net value added can be obtained by deducting consumption of fixed capital from gross value added.
A-F Agriculture and industry
This category is made up of the categories:
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
F Construction
B-E Industry (no construction), energy
This category is made up of the categories:
B Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
D Electricity and gas supply
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Income approach to GDP
The way GDP is formed by underlying components in the so-called income approach. In this approach the components are the incomes generated from production activities: compensation of employees and operating surplus / mixed income. To remain consistent with GDP at market prices, taxes less subsidies on production and imports (not necessarily product-related) are added.
Consumption of fixed capital
The decline in value of fixed assets owned, as a result of normal wear and tear and obsolescence.

For the estimation of the consumption of fixed capital the perpetual inventory method (PIM) is applied. The capital stock at the beginning of the year is brought to replacement value because of price changes. The fixed capital formation during the year is added to this capital stock. Next it is diminished with the value of capital goods discarded. This gives to value of capital stock at the end of the year. The consumption of fixed obtained by applying a depreciation percentage.
This method may differ considerably from the method used to calculate depreciation in business accounts, which is based on historical costs or fiscal life span.
National net lending or net borrowing
The calculation of the national net lending or net borrowing starting with gross domestic product (GDP). The national financing balance (net lending or net borrowing) is the balance of resources and expenditure on the current account and the capital account of the joint domestic sectors. In the financial account the balance gives the amount new loans are entered into with financial assets abroad and/or are sold (at a deficit) or for any amount to be repaid debts abroad and/or financial assets are purchased (at a surplus). In theory net lending or borrowing equals the change in assets less liabilities. In practice a statistical difference between the two remains.
Surplus of the nation on income approach
The approach of net lending or net borrowing through the surplus of national income.
Final consumption expenditure (-)
Expenditure on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs. Expenses may be made at home or abroad, but they are always made by resident institutional units, that is households or institutions residing in the Netherlands. By defnition only households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and government institutions consume. Enterprises do not: expenses they make on goods and services are thought to serve production and are therefor classified as intermediate consumption of fixed capital formation. The general government is a special case. The government also has intermediate consumption, just like enterprises. But the output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the general government. It is said that the government ‘consumes its own production’. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. It also contains social transfers in kind. In the Netherlands this mainly concerns health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.
Additional details
The additional details of some variables in the previous parts of this table are being given in this section.
Final consumption expenditure
Expenditure on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs. Expenses may be made at home or abroad, but they are always made by resident institutional units, that is households or institutions residing in the Netherlands. By defnition only households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and government institutions consume. Enterprises do not: expenses they make on goods and services are thought to serve production and are therefor classified as intermediate consumption of fixed capital formation. The general government is a special case. The government also has intermediate consumption, just like enterprises. But the output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the general government. It is said that the government ‘consumes its own production’. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. It also contains social transfers in kind. In the Netherlands this mainly concerns health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.
Expenditure classification
This classification focuses on the expenses for consumption goods and services. The total final consumptions is divided to sectors which actually financed the consumption expenditures.
Total final consumption expenditure
Expenditure on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs. Expenses may be made at home or abroad, but they are always made by resident institutional units, that is households or institutions residing in the Netherlands. By defnition only households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and government institutions consume. Enterprises do not: expenses they make on goods and services are thought to serve production and are therefor classified as intermediate consumption of fixed capital formation. The general government is a special case. The government also has intermediate consumption, just like enterprises. But the output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the general government. It is said that the government ‘consumes its own production’. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. It also contains social transfers in kind. In the Netherlands this mainly concerns health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.
Households including NPISHs
Consumption expenditure by households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs). Not all expenses made by households are seen as consumptive, households may invest as well. These investments mainly concern the purchase of houses and substantial costs on maintenance. Small costs on maintenance, indoor painting and the purchase of furniture is classified as consumption. This also applies to the purchase of cars and car maintenance.
Consumption of goods
Consumption of goods by households and NPI households.
Consumption of services
Consumption of services by households and NPI households.
Accommodation and food services
Accommodation and food services
Recreational and cultural services
Consumptie in diensten met betrekking tot recreatie en cultuur.
Transport and communication services
Transport and communication services
Medical services and welfare
Medical services and welfare
Financial and business services
Financial and business services
Other services
Other services
Domestic final consumption
Final consumption expenditures which took place in the Netherlands.
Consumption by residents abroad
Final consumption by residents in the rest of the world.
Consumption non-residents in Netherlands
Final consumption by non-residents in the Netherlands.
General government
Consumption expenditure by the general government sector. The output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the government. It is said that the government ‘consumes its own production’. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. Purchases by general government of goods and services produced by market producers that are supplied to households as social transfers in kind are part of government consumption as well. Examples of this in the Netherlands are ealth care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.

Government output consumed by the government is classified into collective consumption and individulisable consumption. Collective consumption by the government consists of services for collective consumption that are provided simultaneously to all members of the community. Examples of this are expenses on defense, environmental health or public governance. Individulisable consumption is made up of expenses that serve only part of the community. This concerns mainly education.
Individual consumption by government
Consumption expenditure by the government in the field of education, health, social security and welfare, sport and recreation and culture are treated as individual consumption. These goods and services are financed by the general government but then divided to individuals.
Collective consumption by government
Collective services are services for collective consumption that are provided simultaneously to all members of the community or all members of a particular section of the community, such as all households living in a particular region. Collective services have the following characteristics:
- they can be delivered simultaneously to every member of the community or to particular sections of the community, such as those in a particular region or locality;
- the use of such services is usually passive and does not require the agreement or active participation of all the individuals concerned;
- the provision of a collective service to one individual does not reduce the amount available to other in the same community or section of the community.
Acquisition classification
This classification focuses on the acquisition of consumption goods and services. The total final consumption is divided to groups which have acquired the consumption goods and services: individuals or the collective.
Total final consumption expenditure
Expenditure on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs. Expenses may be made at home or abroad, but they are always made by resident institutional units, that is households or institutions residing in the Netherlands. By defnition only households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and government institutions consume. Enterprises do not: expenses they make on goods and services are thought to serve production and are therefor classified as intermediate consumption of fixed capital formation. The general government is a special case. The government also has intermediate consumption, just like enterprises. But the output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the general government. It is said that the government ‘consumes its own production’. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. It also contains social transfers in kind. In the Netherlands this mainly concerns health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.
Actual individual consumption
Goods and services for individual consumption ('individual goods and services') are goods and services acquired by a household and used to satisfy the needs and wants of members of that household. Individual goods and services have the following characteristics:
- it is possible to observe and record the acquisition of the goods and services by an individual household or member thereof and also the time at which the acquisition took place;
- the household has agreed to the provision of the goods and services and takes the action necessary to consume the goods and services, for example by attending a school or clinic;
- the goods and services are such that their acquisition by one household or person, or by a group of persons, precludes its acquisition by other households or persons.

Actual collective final consumption
Collective services are services for collective consumption that are provided simultaneously to all members of the community or all members of a particular section of the community, such as all households living in a particular region. Collective services have the following characteristics:
- they can be delivered simultaneously to every member of the community or to particular sections of the community, such as those in a particular region or locality;
- the use of such services is usually passive and does not require the agreement or active participation of all the individuals concerned;
- the provision of a collective service to one individual does not reduce the amount available to other in the same community or section of the community.
Exports by groups of products
Exports by groups of products in according to standard products classification CPA 2008.
Consumption non-residents in Netherlands
Final consumption by non-residents in the Netherlands.
Exports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from residents (in the Netherlands) to non-residents. Exports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from residents to non-residents. Exports of services include among others the following cases: transportation by resident carriers abroad, harbour services and ship maintenance to non-residents, works performed abroad by resident contractors. Expenses made in the Netherlands by foreign tourists, diplomats and cross-border workers.
Consumption non-residents in Netherlands
Final consumption by non-residents in the Netherlands.
Imports by groups of products
Imports by groups of products in according to standard products classification CPA 2008.
Consumption by residents abroad
Final consumption by residents in the rest of the world.