International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, 2003-2013

International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, 2003-2013

Imports, exports and net Countries Periods Total services (mln euro) Transport services Total transport services (mln euro) Transport services Sea transport Total sea transport (mln euro) Transport services Air transport Total air transport (mln euro) Transport services Other transport Total other transport (mln euro) Travel Total travel (mln euro) Travel Business travel (mln euro) Travel Personal travel (mln euro) Communication services Total communication services (mln euro) Construction services Total construction services (mln euro) Insurance services (mln euro) Financial services (mln euro) Computer and information services Total computer and information services (mln euro) Computer and information services Computer services (mln euro) Computer and information services Information services (mln euro) Royalties and license fees Total royalties and license fees (mln euro) Other business services Total other business services (mln euro) Other business services Merchanting and other trade-relat... (mln euro) Other business services Operational leasing (mln euro) Other business services Miscellaneous business, profe... Total miscellaneous business, profe... (mln euro) Personal, cultural and recreati... Total personal, cultural and recreati... (mln euro) Government services, n.i.e. (mln euro)
Imports of services Madagascar 2013 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exports of services Madagascar 2013 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Net services: Madagascar 2013 -8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on Dutch imports and exports of services broken down by various service types and countries (groups). From 2006 onwards more detailed information is available than the years before. In addition, the annual figures show more detailed information than the quarterly figures.

Data available from 2003 to 2013.

Status of the figures:
The figures are definite.

Changes as of 8 October 2014:
None, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

Description topics

Total services
All services provided by residents of one economy to the residents of
another economy. Services are not tangible products, such as transport,
business services and personal, cultural and recreational services.
Transport services
All transport services related to the carriage of passengers, the
movement of goods (freight), rentals (charters) of carriers with crew,
and related supporting and auxiliary services. Includes carriage by sea,
air, rail, road, inland waterway transport and transport by pipeline and
electricity transmission.
Total transport services
All transport services related to the carriage of passengers, the
movement of goods (freight), rentals (charters) of carriers with crew,
and related supporting and auxiliary services. Includes carriage by sea,
air, rail, road, inland waterway transport and transport by pipeline and
electricity transmission.
Sea transport
All transport services by sea broken down into passenger transport,
freight transport, and supporting and auxiliary services.
Total sea transport
Air transport
All transport services provided by air broken down into passenger
transport, freight transport and supporting and auxiliary services.
Total air transport
Other transport
All transport services related to the carriage of passengers and freight
by rail, by road, inland waterway transport, pipeline transport and
electricity transmission, and related supporting and auxiliary services.
This category is broken down into passenger, freight and supporting and
auxiliary services.
Total other transport
Goods and services acquired from an economy by non-residents of that
economy during visits of less than one year to that economy. The goods
and services are purchased by travellers or provided as a gift.
Excluded are:
- transport and carriage of travellers within the economies they are
(included in passenger services under transport).
- goods purchased for resale in the travellers home economy.
Total travel is broken down into purpose: business travel or personal
Total travel
Business travel
Acquisition of goods and services by business travellers. Also includes
acquisition of goods and services for personal use by seasonal, border
and other workers.
Personal travel
Acquisition of goods and services by travellers going abroad for purposes
other than business, such as holidays, participation in recreational and
cultural activities, visits to friends and relations, pilgrimage, and
education- and health related purposes.
Communication services
This category is broken down into postal and courier services, and
telecommunications services
Total communication services
Construction services
Total construction services
Insurance services
Covers the provision of various types of insurance by insurance
enterprises and pension funds. These services are valued by the service
charges included in total premiums rather than by the total value of the
The category comprises life insurance and pension funds, freight
insurance, other direct insurance, reinsurance and auxiliary services
to insurance.
Financial services
Covers financial intermediation and auxiliary services, except those of
life insurance enterprises and pension funds (which are included in the
insurance services). Such services may be provided by banks, stock
exchanges, factoring enterprises, credit card enterprises and other
Computer and information services
This category is broken down into:
- computer services: hardware and software, and data-processing services
- information services: provision of news, photographs, and feature
articles to the media, design of databases, data storage and data
Total computer and information services
Computer services
Covers hardware and software related services and data-processing
- hardware and software consultancy and implementation services
- maintenance and repair of computers and peripheral equipment
- disaster recovery services, provision of advice and assistance on
management of computer resources
- analysis, design and programming of ready-to-use systems (including web
page development and design) and technical consultancy related to software
- development, production, supply and documentation of customised
software, including operating systems made on order for specific users
- systems maintenance and other support services, such as training
provided as part of consultancy
- data-processing services, such as data entry, tabulation and processing
on a time-sharing basis
- web page hosting services (i.e. provision of server space on the
internet to host clients' web pages) and computer facilities management.
Information services
- the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media
- database services, database conception, data storage and
dissemination of data and databases and web search portals
- direct, non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, whether
by mail, electronic transmission or other means.
Royalties and license fees
This category is broken down into:
- franchises and similar rights: international payments and receipts of
franchising fees and the royalties paid for the use of registered
- other royalties and licence fees: international payments and receipts
for the authorised use of intangible, non-financial assets and
proprietary rights and the use, through licensing agreements, of produced
originals or prototypes.
Total royalties and license fees
Other business services
This category is broken down into merchanting and other trade-related
services, operational leasing services and miscellaneous business,
professional and technical services.
Total other business services
Merchanting and other trade-relat...
Merchanting and other trade-related services:
Merchanting is defined as the purchase of goods by a resident of the
Netherlands from a non-resident and the subsequent resale of these goods
to another non-resident without these goods entering or leaving the
Netherlands. Merchanting services are recoded exclusively on the exports
Other trade-related services covers commissions on goods and service
transactions between resident merchants, commodity brokers, dealers and
commission agents and non-residents.
Operational leasing
Leasing (rental) of transportation equipment without crew.
Miscellaneous business, profe...
Miscellaneous business, professional, and technical services
- legal services
- accounting, auditing, bookkeeping and tax consulting services
- business and management consulting and public relations services
- advertising, market research and public opinion polling
- research and development
- architectural, engineering and other technical services
- waste treatment and depollution services
- agricultural, mining, and other on-site processing services
- other business services, n.e.c.
- services between related enterprises, n.e.c.
Total miscellaneous business, profe...
Total miscellaneous business, professional and technical services.
Personal, cultural and recreati...
Personal, cultural and recreational services:
This category is broken down into:
Audiovisual and related services and other personal, cultural and
recreational service.
Total personal, cultural and recreati...
Total personal, cultural and recreational services
Government services, n.i.e.
Government services, not included elsewhere
All transactions of government that are not classified
Includes transactions (in both goods and services) by embassies,
consulates, military units and defence agencies.