Regional production structure by SIC'93

Regional production structure by SIC'93

Regions SIC '93 Periods Output (basic prices) (mln. euro)
The Netherlands Total economic activities 2001 799,801
The Netherlands A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing 2001 22,605
The Netherlands C-F Industry 2001 311,208
The Netherlands C Mining and quarrying 2001 14,495
The Netherlands D+E Manufacture, public utilities 2001 232,119
The Netherlands DA Food, beverages and tobacco 2001 45,587
The Netherlands DB+DC Textile and leather products 2001 4,467
The Netherlands 21 Paper and paper products 2001 5,559
The Netherlands 22 Publishing and printing 2001 13,367
The Netherlands DF Coke, refined petroleum, nuclear fuel 2001 16,806
The Netherlands DG Chemical products 2001 34,684
The Netherlands DH Rubber and plastic products 2001 5,775
The Netherlands 27 Manufacture of basic metals 2001 5,921
The Netherlands 28 Manufacture of metal products 2001 14,024
The Netherlands DK Machinery and equipment 2001 15,243
The Netherlands DL Electrical and optical equipment 2001 19,225
The Netherlands DM Manufacture of transport equipment 2001 13,721
The Netherlands Manufacturing n.e.c. 2001 17,510
The Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 20,230
The Netherlands F Construction 2001 64,594
The Netherlands 452 Civil commercial industrial building 2001 30,899
The Netherlands 451-455 Civil engineering 2001 13,372
The Netherlands 453-454 Other construction 2001 20,323
The Netherlands G-K Commercial services 2001 325,197
The Netherlands G Trade and repair consumer articles 2001 85,834
The Netherlands 51 Wholesale trade 2001 49,109
The Netherlands 50+52 Retail trade, cars, repair 2001 36,725
The Netherlands H Hotels and restaurants 2001 15,190
The Netherlands I Transport, storage and communications 2001 58,569
The Netherlands 60 Land transport 2001 14,964
The Netherlands 61+62 Air transport, water transport 2001 12,412
The Netherlands 63 Auxiliary transport activities 2001 11,622
The Netherlands 64 Post and telecommunications 2001 19,571
The Netherlands J Financial intermediation 2001 42,314
The Netherlands 65 Banking 2001 21,894
The Netherlands 66 Insurance, pension funding 2001 14,626
The Netherlands 67 Auxiliary financial activities 2001 5,794
The Netherlands K Renting, commercial services 2001 123,290
The Netherlands 70 Real estate activities 2001 39,297
The Netherlands 71-74 Commercial services 2001 83,993
The Netherlands L-P Public administration, social work 2001 140,791
The Netherlands L Pub. admin., defence, social security 2001 48,663
The Netherlands M Education 2001 19,281
The Netherlands N Health and social work 2001 40,653
The Netherlands O+P Environment, culture, other services 2001 32,194
The Netherlands 90 Environmental services 2001 6,482
The Netherlands 92 Culture, sports and recreation 2001 14,040
The Netherlands 93 Other service activities 2001 11,672
Extra territorial region Total economic activities 2001 5,931
Extra territorial region A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing 2001 0
Extra territorial region C-F Industry 2001 5,252
Extra territorial region C Mining and quarrying 2001 5,252
Extra territorial region D+E Manufacture, public utilities 2001 0
Extra territorial region DA Food, beverages and tobacco 2001 0
Extra territorial region DB+DC Textile and leather products 2001 0
Extra territorial region 21 Paper and paper products 2001 0
Extra territorial region 22 Publishing and printing 2001 0
Extra territorial region DF Coke, refined petroleum, nuclear fuel 2001 0
Extra territorial region DG Chemical products 2001 0
Extra territorial region DH Rubber and plastic products 2001 0
Extra territorial region 27 Manufacture of basic metals 2001 0
Extra territorial region 28 Manufacture of metal products 2001 0
Extra territorial region DK Machinery and equipment 2001 0
Extra territorial region DL Electrical and optical equipment 2001 0
Extra territorial region DM Manufacture of transport equipment 2001 0
Extra territorial region Manufacturing n.e.c. 2001 0
Extra territorial region E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 0
Extra territorial region F Construction 2001 0
Extra territorial region 452 Civil commercial industrial building 2001 0
Extra territorial region 451-455 Civil engineering 2001 0
Extra territorial region 453-454 Other construction 2001 0
Extra territorial region G-K Commercial services 2001 0
Extra territorial region G Trade and repair consumer articles 2001 0
Extra territorial region 51 Wholesale trade 2001 0
Extra territorial region 50+52 Retail trade, cars, repair 2001 0
Extra territorial region H Hotels and restaurants 2001 0
Extra territorial region I Transport, storage and communications 2001 0
Extra territorial region 60 Land transport 2001 0
Extra territorial region 61+62 Air transport, water transport 2001 0
Extra territorial region 63 Auxiliary transport activities 2001 0
Extra territorial region 64 Post and telecommunications 2001 0
Extra territorial region J Financial intermediation 2001 0
Extra territorial region 65 Banking 2001 0
Extra territorial region 66 Insurance, pension funding 2001 0
Extra territorial region 67 Auxiliary financial activities 2001 0
Extra territorial region K Renting, commercial services 2001 0
Extra territorial region 70 Real estate activities 2001 0
Extra territorial region 71-74 Commercial services 2001 0
Extra territorial region L-P Public administration, social work 2001 679
Extra territorial region L Pub. admin., defence, social security 2001 679
Extra territorial region M Education 2001 0
Extra territorial region N Health and social work 2001 0
Extra territorial region O+P Environment, culture, other services 2001 0
Extra territorial region 90 Environmental services 2001 0
Extra territorial region 92 Culture, sports and recreation 2001 0
Extra territorial region 93 Other service activities 2001 0
North Netherlands Total economic activities 2001 71,647
North Netherlands A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing 2001 2,932
North Netherlands C-F Industry 2001 33,088
North Netherlands C Mining and quarrying 2001 7,138
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Production, intermediate consumption, value added, taxes, compensation
of employees, operating surplus and labour input of employees by region
1995 - 2001
Changed on March 22 2006.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Output (basic prices)
Output includes the value of all goods, sold and unsold, and the
revenue of services rendered. Output furthermore includes own-account
capital formation, housing services and agricultural products for own
final consumption. The output value is calculated at basic prices. The
basic price is the price excluding profit margins for trade and
transport by third parties and the balance of product-related taxes
(e.g. VAT) and subsidies.