Economic totals per region SIC 1993

Economic totals per region SIC 1993

Regions SIC '93 Periods Gross value added (at base prices) (mln euro) Labour force input (1000 fte's)
The Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 5,807 33.4
Extraterritorial region E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 0 0.0
North Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 589 3.5
East Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,474 6.8
West Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 2,746 15.9
South Netherlands E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 998 7.2
Groningen (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 341 1.6
Friesland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 166 1.3
Drenthe (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 83 0.6
Overijssel (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 460 2.6
Flevoland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 21 0.3
Gelderland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 994 3.9
Utrecht (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 391 2.4
Noord-Holland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 850 5.5
Zuid-Holland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 1,321 6.7
Zeeland (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 184 1.4
Noord-Brabant (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 701 4.5
Limburg (PV) E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 297 2.7
Oost-Groningen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Delfzijl e.o. E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Overig Groningen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 302 1.2
Noord-Friesland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 156 1.2
Zuidwest-Friesland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Zuidoost-Friesland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Noord-Drenthe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 24 0.2
Zuidoost-Drenthe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Zuidwest-Drenthe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Noord-Overijssel E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 335 1.9
Zuidwest-Overijssel E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Twente E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Veluwe E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Achterhoek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Aggl. Arnhem/Nijmegen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 754 2.2
Zuidwest-Gelderland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 20 0.2
Utrecht E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 391 2.4
Kop van Noord-Holland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 25 0.1
Alkmaar e.o. E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 89 0.6
IJmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 141 0.4
Agglomeratie Haarlem E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Zaanstreek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Groot-Amsterdam E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 428 3.1
Het Gooi en Vechtstreek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 27 0.2
Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 304 1.3
Delft en Westland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 135 1.1
Oost-Zuid-Holland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 96 0.4
Groot-Rijnmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 674 3.0
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Overig Zeeland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
West-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 308 1.2
Midden-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 60 0.5
Noordoost-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 184 1.8
Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 149 1.0
Noord-Limburg E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Midden-Limburg E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Zuid-Limburg E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 227 1.8
Flevoland E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 21 0.3
Amsterdam E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 321 2.7
Overig Groot Amsterdam E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 107 0.4
Rijnmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Overig Groot-Rijnmond E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Stadsgewest 's-Hertogenbosch E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Overig Noordoost-Noord-Brabant E Electricity, gas and water supply 2001 x x
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Gross value added and labour force volume by region,
COROP area, province and parts of the country
1987 - 2001
Changed on January 18 2008.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Gross value added (at base prices)
Value added at base prices per sector is equal to the difference between
output (at base prices) and intermediate consumption (at purchasing
Labour force input
Labour force input (consistent with National accounts) is defined as the
number of full-time equivalents.
Part-time jobs are converted to full-time jobs. This implies that the
notion 'years in employment' may vary. Data on labour force input of
self-employed and family workers are not included in this publication.