Population dynamics; birth, death and migration per region

Population dynamics; birth, death and migration per region

Sex Periods Regions Population on 1 January (number) Population density (number) Live born children Live born children (number) Live born children Live born children, ratio (per 1,000) Deaths Deaths (number) Deaths Deaths, ratio (per 1,000) Natural increase (number) Arrivals in municipality Total arrivals (number) Arrivals in municipality Total arrivals, ratio (per 1,000) Arrivals in municipality Due to immigration (number) Arrivals in municipality Due to intermunicipal moves (number) Departures from municipality Total departures including administra... (number) Departures from municipality Total departures including adm..., ratio (per 1,000) Departures from municipality Due to emigration including administr... (number) Departures from municipality Due to intermunicipal moves (number) Net migration including administrative.. (number) Population growth Population growth (number) Population growth Population growth, ratio (per 1,000) Population on 31 December (number)
Total male and female 1950 The Netherlands 10,026,773 . 229,369 22.7 75,580 7.5 153,789 481,626 47.6 . . 461,908 45.7 . . 19,718 173,507 17.3 10,200,280
Total male and female 1960 The Netherlands 11,417,254 . 238,789 20.8 87,486 7.6 151,303 551,116 48.0 45,407 505,709 564,209 49.1 58,226 505,983 -13,093 138,754 12.2 11,556,008
Total male and female 1970 The Netherlands 12,957,621 . 238,912 18.3 109,619 8.4 129,293 735,040 56.4 90,829 644,211 701,773 53.8 57,375 644,398 33,267 161,809 12.5 13,119,430
Total male and female 1980 The Netherlands 14,091,014 . 181,294 12.8 114,279 8.1 67,015 665,926 47.1 112,504 553,422 615,706 43.5 61,948 553,758 50,220 117,572 8.3 14,208,586
Total male and female 1990 The Netherlands 14,892,574 . 197,965 13.2 128,824 8.6 69,141 683,680 45.7 117,350 566,330 635,269 42.5 68,939 566,330 48,411 117,868 7.9 15,010,442
Total male and female 2000 The Netherlands 15,863,950 468 206,619 13.0 140,527 8.8 66,092 746,947 46.9 132,850 614,097 693,074 43.5 78,977 614,097 53,873 123,125 7.8 15,987,075
Total male and female 2010 The Netherlands 16,574,989 491 184,397 11.1 136,058 8.2 48,339 744,302 44.8 154,432 589,870 711,221 42.8 121,351 589,870 33,081 80,810 4.9 16,655,799
Total male and female 2020 The Netherlands 17,407,585 517 168,681 9.7 168,678 9.7 3 1,014,246 58.2 220,853 793,393 945,887 54.2 152,494 793,393 68,359 67,830 3.9 17,475,415
Total male and female 2023 The Netherlands 17,811,291 529 164,487 9.2 169,521 9.5 -5,034 1,154,151 64.6 335,668 818,483 1,016,785 56.9 198,302 818,483 137,366 131,651 7.4 17,942,942
Total male and female 1950 Amsterdam 835,834 . 15,210 18.1 6,294 7.5 8,916 30,892 36.8 . . 30,376 36.1 . . 516 9,432 11.3 845,266
Total male and female 1960 Amsterdam 869,602 . 13,878 16.0 7,490 8.6 6,388 27,588 31.8 4,694 22,894 37,215 42.9 6,559 30,656 -9,627 -3,260 -3.7 866,342
Total male and female 1970 Amsterdam 831,463 . 10,664 12.9 9,019 10.9 1,645 31,979 38.7 8,874 23,105 44,523 53.9 5,009 39,514 -12,544 -11,057 -13.3 820,406
Total male and female 1980 Amsterdam 716,919 . 7,781 10.9 7,799 10.9 -18 32,188 45.0 14,004 18,184 36,824 51.5 4,999 31,825 -4,636 -4,625 -6.5 712,294
Total male and female 1990 Amsterdam 695,162 . 9,392 13.4 7,571 10.8 1,821 41,452 59.3 17,969 23,483 35,762 51.2 7,510 28,252 5,690 7,511 10.8 702,673
Total male and female 2000 Amsterdam 731,288 4,429 10,715 14.6 6,666 9.1 4,049 35,255 48.1 13,737 21,518 36,339 49.6 7,651 28,688 -1,084 3,306 4.5 734,594
Total male and female 2010 Amsterdam 767,457 4,625 11,459 14.8 5,406 7.0 6,053 51,417 66.5 19,455 31,962 45,052 58.2 16,559 28,493 6,365 12,351 16.1 779,808
Total male and female 2020 Amsterdam 872,757 5,273 10,345 11.8 5,763 6.6 4,582 69,363 79.4 30,917 38,446 73,310 84.0 21,060 52,250 -3,947 581 0.7 873,338
Total male and female 2023 Amsterdam 918,117 4,880 9,673 10.5 5,977 6.5 3,696 89,014 96.3 45,956 43,058 79,281 85.7 26,019 53,262 9,733 13,181 14.4 931,298
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Population growth in The Netherlands by birth, death and migration by sex and region.

In addition to national data, information is presented by group of provinces, province, COROP region and municipality.

The regional totals shown concern cumulated municipal data. Where changes of municipal boundaries transect regional boundaries, the municipal classifications concerns the most recent situation. The municipality of Vianen, for example, was annexed by the province of Utrecht on 1 January 2002, and is classified under the province of Utrecht in the Table.

Data available from: 1942

Status of the figures:
All data recorded in this publication are final data.
Up to 1977 data may differ from other published data on StatLine. This is due to differences between the data files used by Statistics Netherlands and the official data as published in 'Loop van de bevolking per gemeente'.

Changes as of 25 June 2024:
Final figures of 2023 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
In the 3rd quarter of 2025 figures of 2024 will be added in this table.

Description topics

Population on 1 January
The total number of people residing in a given area.
In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.
Population density
Inhabitants per km2 land area.

Available in this table from 1995.
Live born children
Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
Live born children are recorded in the municipality of residence of the baby's mother (or occasionally the father). It is, therefore, not necessarily the municipality where the birth occurred.

1942-1962: excluding live born children after a pregnancy lasting less than 26 weeks deceased before registration of birth.
Live born children
Live born children, ratio
Live born children per 1,000 of the average population.
Not available by sex.

The total number of people residing in a given area. In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.
Person declared dead by an authorized doctor.
Deaths represent the number of deaths in the 'de jure' population of the municipality of residence of the deceased, not the municipality where the death occurred.

1942-1962: excluding live born children after a pregnancy lasting less than 26 weeks deceased before registration of birth.
Deaths, ratio
Deaths per 1,000 of the average population.
Not available by sex.

The total number of people residing in a given area. In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.
Natural increase
The number of live births minus the number of deaths.

Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
Live born children are recorded in the municipality of residence of the baby's mother (or occasionally the father). It is, therefore, not necessarily the municipality where the birth occurred.
1942-1962: excluding live born children after a pregnancy lasting less than 26 weeks deceased before registration of birth..

Person declared dead by an authorized doctor.
Deaths represent the number of deaths in the 'de jure' population of the municipality of residence of the deceased, not the municipality where the death occurred.
1942-1962: excluding live born children after a pregnancy lasting less than 26 weeks deceased before registration of birth.

Arrivals in municipality
Arrivals in the municipality due to immigration or intermunicipal move.

People moving to the Netherlands from another country.

Intermunicipal move:
A move from one municipality to another.
Total arrivals
Total arrivals, ratio
Total arrivals per 1,000 of the average population.
Not available by sex.

The total number of people residing in a given area. In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.
Due to immigration
People moving to the Netherlands from another country.
Available in this table from 1960.
From 1960 up to October 1994, with a few exeptions, persons with the Dutch nationality were registered if they planned to stay for more than 30 days.
For persons who did not have a Dutch passport the corresponding period was 180 days.
From October 1994, the requirements for registration are met, both for Dutch residents and non-Dutch residents, if the anticipated length of stay in the first six months after settlement is at least four months.

Break in series external migration
As a result of an improved production process, a small shift has occurred in the figures on external migration.
From 2010 the following changes have been implemented.
- administrative entries preceding emigration are now considered as immigration;
- administrative removals followed by immigration are now considered as emigration
Due to intermunicipal moves
Intermunicipal move:
A move from one municipality to another, excluding changes caused by an adjustment of municipal borders.

Available in this table from 1960.
Departures from municipality
Departures from the municipality due to emigration or intermunicipal move.

People leaving for another country.

Intermunicipal move:
A move from one municipality to another, excluding changes caused by an adjustment of municipal borders.

Total departures including administra...
Total departures including net administrative corrections.
Data on departures including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of departures than data excluding net administrative corrections.

Break in series administrative corrections
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Total departures including adm..., ratio
Total departures including net administrative corrections per 1,000 of the average population.
Data on departures including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of departures than data excluding net administrative corrections.

Not available by sex.

Break in series administrative corrections
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.

The total number of people residing in a given area. In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.
Due to emigration including administr...
Emigration including net administrative corrections.
Data on emigration including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of emigration than data excluding net administrative corrections.

Break in series administrative corrections
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Break in series external migration
As a result of an improved production process, a small shift has occurred in the figures on external migration.
From 2010 the following changes have been implemented.
- administrative entries preceding emigration are now considered as immigration;
- administrative removals followed by immigration are now considered as emigration

People leaving for another country.
Until October 1994, persons who had the intention to leave the Netherlands for a period exceeding 360 days were deregistered. From October 1994, the anticipated length of stay abroad in the year after settlement in another country is at least eight months.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.
Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.

Due to intermunicipal moves
Intermunicipal move:
A move from one municipality to another, excluding changes caused by an adjustment of municipal borders.

Available in this table from 1960.
Net migration including administrative..
Net migration including administrative corrections
Data on net migration including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of net migration than data excluding net administrative corrections.

Break in series administrative corrections:
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Population growth
The increase or decrease of the population.
Including other corrections.

The total number of people residing in a given area. In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.

Other corrections:
Changes on personal data in the municipal population registers which does not exactly match the difference between the size and composition of the population in two subsequent years.

1942 - 1959: In case of border changes or reclassification of municipalities in the course of a year, the numbers of inhabitants concerned are included in the other corrections. In the case of border changes or reclassifications that take place on 1 January, the reclassified inhabitants are not included in the other corrections; in those cases, they represent the difference between the initial population position and last year's final position. The changes per municipality are reported under (clicking on) the relevant municipality names.
1948: Including corrections that proved necessary on the basis of the 12th Census (1947) were settled.
1954: Including the killed, missing victims of the flood disaster 1953, who were first removed from the population register in 1954.
1958: Including the Ambonese living in the municipality in a residential area, who were entered in the population register in the last two months of 1958.

Population growth
Population growth, ratio
Population growth per 1,000 of the population at the start of the relevant period.
Not available by sex.
Population on 31 December
The total number of people residing in a given area. In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.