Ground movements in Groningen

Natural gas production in the province of Groningen and the consequences of this production have been the subject of analyses by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) for several years. These analyses cover various aspects of the issues related to this production.

CBS has conducted analyses of the gradual ground subsidence, which can be detected using GPS systems. By applying highly specialised data processing techniques, GPS data are used to measure levels of subsidence. Furthermore, analyses have been conducted to monitor the frequency of earthquakes in correlation with the amount of gas production from the Groningen gas field. These analyses are updated on a regular basis. In addition, research has been done to establish and quantify correlations between variations in gas pressure inside the reservoir and earthquake frequencies. All of this research is customised, commissioned by the Dutch State Supervision of Mines (SodM or SSM). It serves as knowledge input for the official ‘Measurement and Control Protocol’ which applies to natural gas production.

Aside from ground movement analyses, research has been conducted on housing market developments for this particular region. Apart from directly demonstrable damage to individual properties, there is the possibility of an adverse impact on the housing market in that area as a result of the ground movements. Commissioned research has been carried out for the Dutch National Coordinator Groningen (NCG) on various indicators for the housing market and is updated on a regular basis.


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