Rail Passenger Transport

This is why Statistics Netherlands (CBS) conducts the Rail Passenger Transport survey. This survey concerns the number of passengers and passenger kilometres by rail with origin and/or destination in the Netherlands.
Provision of data
Have you received a letter asking you to participate in this survey? For the text of the letter in English, see: Letter Rail Passenger Transport (EN).
You can fill in the data through a secure internet connection and submit it to us directly:
1. First, download the file: template query data.
2. Fill in the data and then save it as a CSV or XLSX file:
- You can fill in and save the file several times if necessary.
- The files may be compressed in a ZIP file, but ZIP files containing multiple compressed files will not be accepted.
- Files submitted (including compressed files) may not be larger than 1.2 GB each.
- There is no size limit for the unzipped files in compressed files.
- The information provided in CSV files must be separated using semi-colons.
3. Go to https://antwoord.cbs.nl to upload the file(s). Enter the user name and password stated in the letter. Have you lost the login details? Go to Request log in details (only available in Dutch).
If you have any questions or would like help with providing the required information, please contact the CBS Contactcenter.
Survey results
Research results on traffic and transport can be found on the page Verkeer en vervoer (only available in Dutch).
Below you will find the latest figures on businesses, including enterprise population by business sector and region, turnover, employment and investment (only available in Dutch):
Data handling
The data you provide will only be used to compile statistical overviews. These overviews are compiled in such a way that no data can be related to identified or identifiable individual enterprises, institutions or individuals.
Find out more about how CBS handles data here:
- This is how CBS ensures secure exchange of your data (only available in Dutch)
- Privacy
Contact us
Go to: CBS Contactcenter.