Turnover freight forwarders marginally up

In the second quarter of 2012, turnover generated by freight forwarders grew by 3 percent versus a turnover growth by nearly 6 percent to 13 billion euro in 2011. Freight volumes are smaller, but turnover is still improving.
Turnover second quarter levels off
Turnover realised by freight forwarding agents in the second quarter of this year was almost the same as in the first quarter. Despite the modest 3 percent turnover increase, growth levels off, because freight volumes are smaller. If trade is at a low ebb, the transport sector will carry fewer goods and freight forwarding agents will inevitably also be affected.
Turnover freight forwarding agents
Logistics accounts for 13 billion euro turnover in 2011
Freight forwarding agents offer a variety of logistic services. Total turnover amounted to nearly 13 billion euro in 2011. Four fifths concern forwarding activities, the remaining 20 percent is generated from other logistic services, like loading, unloading and transhipment activities, value added logistics, storage activities, but also carriage of goods.
Turnover forwarding agents by activity, 2011
Many bankruptcies by the end of 2011
The number of bankruptcies among freight forwarding agents shows that they also feel the impact of the worldwide economic recession. The number of bankruptcies was exceptionally high in the last quarter of 2011, when 52 out of a total of more than 2,600 forwarding agencies went bankrupt. So far this year, 20 agencies filed for bankruptcy.
Bankruptcies forwarding agents
Robbert de Ruijter