Number of hybrid cars doubled

The number of hybrid cars registered in the Netherlands rose further in 2008. From 11.3 thousand hybrid cars on Dutch roads on 1 January 2008, the number more than doubled to 23 thousand one year later.
Hybrids more often company cars
The increase in the number of hybrid cars was partly the result of the increase in the number of company cars with hybrid engines. This rose from 3.5 thousand to more than 12 thousand.
Since 1 January 2008, drivers of fuel-efficient company cars are subject to a lower addition to their taxable income for private use of the car: 14 percent of the car’s catalogue price instead of the standard 25 percent. This has made hybrid cars more popular as company cars. More than half of hybrid cars in the Netherlands are registered to companies. For cars with a conventional engine, this is 12 percent.
Hybrid cars by registration on 1 January
The number of privately owned hybrid cars has also increased further in the past year: from 7.8 thousand to 11 thousand. Private buyers benefit from a reduced rate of vehicle tax (to be paid at purchase) for fuel-efficient cars. They also pay less road tax.
Hybrid cars mainly popular among older age groups
Three-quarters of privately owned hybrid cars are registered to people aged over 50. Most conventional cars, on the other hand, are registered to people younger than 50. This may be related to the relatively high price of new hybrid cars. As they have been on the market for only a short time, there are still only few available second-hand.
Privately owned hybrid cars by age of owner, 1 January 2009
Eight out of ten cars still run on petrol
In spite of the recent increase in the number of hybrid cars on Dutch roads, they still account for a very small share of the total Dutch car fleet: only 0.3 percent. Eighty percent of the more than 7.5 million cars in the Netherlands run on petrol, 17 percent on diesel and 3 percent on LPG.
Cars by fuel type, 1 January 2009
Frits Mullenders