Share renewable energy stable

The share of renewable energy in total Dutch energy consumption was 4.4 percent last year, versus 4.3 percent in 2011.
Growth renewable energy levels off
The share of renewable energy grew by 0.4 percentage points annually over the period 2003-2009. Subsequently, the growth rate slowed down to 0.1 percentage points annually. One of the reasons for the substantial growth in the period 2003-2009 was a favourable subsidy scheme for renewable electricity and the introduction of the compulsory use of biofuels in the transport sector.
Renewable energy, final consumption by application
Electricity still most important form of renewable energy
Renewable energy is used as electricity, heat and biofuels for transport. Electricity is still the most important type of renewable energy, accounting for approximately 45 percent of total renewable energy consumption.
Marginal growth renewable heat
Renewable heat accounted for 40 percent of renewable energy consumption and increased by about 4 percent last year relative to 2011. The growth was mainly realised in heat from waste incineration and geothermal energy.
Renewable energy, final consumption by source
Biomass most important source of renewable energy
Nearly three quarters of all renewable energy is generated from biomass, i.e. generation of electricity and heat in waste incineration plants, combustion of biomass in power stations and the use of biofuels in transport. Last year, more energy was produced in waste incineration plants, but combustion of biomass in power stations declined.
Energy generated by wind turbines accounted for just under 20 percent of renewable energy. Other sources of renewable energy are solar power, hydropower, geothermal power and open air heat. The collective contribution of these energy sources amounts to approximately 8 percent.
Reinoud Segers